For over a century, the master animators at Walt Disney Animation Studios have wielded ink to weave enchanting tales and bring beloved characters to life. Now, their timeless artistry is celebrated in the Disney 100 Collector’s Set, a tribute to their enduring legacy.
This exclusive set features 6 exquisite foil alternate art cards from Disney Lorcana: The First Chapter TCG, each illustrated by Disney animators. These rare alternate art cards are available solely within this limited Collector’s Set, making it a must-have for enthusiasts and collectors alike. Additionally, the set includes 4 booster packs from Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn, providing even more opportunities to expand your collection and delve into the magical world of Disney Lorcana.
• 6 foil cards illustrated by Disney animators
• 4 Rise of the Floodborn booster packs, each containing 12 additional game cards
This exclusive set features 6 exquisite foil alternate art cards from Disney Lorcana: The First Chapter TCG, each illustrated by Disney animators. These rare alternate art cards are available solely within this limited Collector’s Set, making it a must-have for enthusiasts and collectors alike. Additionally, the set includes 4 booster packs from Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn, providing even more opportunities to expand your collection and delve into the magical world of Disney Lorcana.
• 6 foil cards illustrated by Disney animators
• 4 Rise of the Floodborn booster packs, each containing 12 additional game cards